Friday, May 30, 2008

Selling It

do you ever
notice how
some people
hardly move
or dance or
when music
is playing?"
"But when
they say like,
'Hey, did you
hear this CD
mix I made? It's really good...'
And then when they play the mix that THEY made,
all of a sudden they start getting into it, and they're
moving and swaying and stuff."
"What's up with that, Grandpa? One minute, they
hardly even move and then when they say, "Hey
check out my mix" now all of a sudden they're all
dancing and stuff."
"Well my little mochi gummy, they're what you call
'Selling it'. Cuz they already said that their mix was
good and to validate that, they start dancing and
getting into it. It kind of makes you think, 'Yah...
that music GOTS to be good, cuz...she's like dancing
and stuff.'"
"Grandpa, why do they gotta 'Sell it'?"
"Um...maybe cuz it's crap."
"You mean 'Crap' like Jonas Brothers?"

1 comment:

Papa Joe said...

Speaking in behalf of some of us who can't dance because we have no natural rhythm, that swaying and moving you see may simply just be gas...