Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Namaile Telling Alissa One of Grandpa's Jokes

"Hey you guys
wanna hear a
joke my weird
Grandpa told
"Your weird
Grandpa told
you another
joke? Yeah!!"
" one
day little Joey
was walking
around the
house and he
heard sounds
like somebody
and when he
looked in the
kitchen, Joey
saw his Daddy
and Mommy
there but he
was eating
some dogmeat
and Joey's mom
was all mad and stuff...
but Joey's dad was giving him the thumbs up
as if to say, "Yeah...your mom hates when I eat dog."
So about an hour later, the Dad is walking around
and he hears some screaming. So he looks in the
kitchen and he sees Little Joey eating some dogmeat
in front of Grandma...and she's screaming. The Dad
says, "Hey...What is Going ON HERE??" and Joey goes,
"It ain't so funny when it's YOUR mama, is it?"

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