Saturday, March 13, 2010

Nobody Betta Take My Passo-Guava!

what's this
huge thing?
It looks like
a gigantic
or maybe
it's a huge
"Yeah, that
is for real a
fruit, or it
might be a
fruit on a big
tree. That's
where Hawaii
Sun get their
juice from. A
little bit of
that and a
little bit of
high fructose
corn syrup...
which they
get from high
fructose corn syrup trees. Yup, that's what it is."
"Grandpa, how come this lilikoi passion fruit has
somebody's name on it?"
"Um, well many animals like to mark their territory
by making shee shee on em. But this fruit is a little
bit too high, so just bust out the sharpie and write
their name, or else somebody going grab em, an den."

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