Wednesday, August 19, 2009

You Get a Faster Buzz With a Straw

"Grandpa, how
come I never
see you drink
"Well, my little
turon, I drink
every once in
a while, but it
gotta be de-caf
cuz me and caf
don't get along.
I used to be
able to drink a
billion cups of
coffee a day,
but for some
reason, in 1994
caffeine started
giving me head now
I can only drink
de-caf. Not cuz
I need to, but
cuz I like the
taste. We used to percolate a pot of Yuban or Folgers
every morning. Our house used to smell so good when
that stuff was brewing. I miss that smell. But now, I'll go
to SB once every two weeks or so whenever the car group
feels like it. Then I'll just get me a Grande De-caf Americano
with extra extra extra caramel. If they had some steamed
milk ready, I'd ask them to pour a little bit of it in the cup.
That's what I drink. Then I'm good for the next two weeks.
Bla bla bla bla bla ... me and my de-caf ....bla bla bla bla."
"That's funny Grandpa, cuz all I heard was 'bla bla bla.'"

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