Sunday, October 10, 2010

What's REALLY Retarded?

"Grandpa, my Aunty Mahina is carrying me cuz I can't walk or 
nothing that's pretty retarded, yeah?"
"Well actually, that's not really so retarded... not as much as
imaginary conversations with a 4 month old baby."
"Yeah, that's super retarded. Grandpa, what else is retarded?"
"How about Al Davis?"
"Ha ha ha! Yeah, that guy is NUTS!"
"And what about Vietnamese restaurants that think I'm gonna
wrap my lumpia in a leaf of lettuce?"
"What? That's really REALLY retarded."
"And what about cameras at intersections?"
"Hoh BRAH!! That's ESPECIALLY retarded."
"And what about Grandma THELMA???"
"Grandma Thelma?? HA HA HA HA!! STOP IT! 

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