Friday, February 12, 2010

Banana Pancakes

"Grandpa, you old Filipino knucklehead, check
out my pancakes! Is this the best you ever saw?"
"It looks pretty good, but the best pancakes
is the pancakes that your old Grandpa makes."
"How do you make your pancakes, Grandfool?"
"Okay, here's how to do it:
Get some Costco pancake mix in the big blue bag.
Mix it with water and mashed bananas. If you
got some frozen blueberries, you can throw some
in there. If you got some crushed pineapples you
could throw them in there too. Then fry it till it
looks as brown as your Grandpa's butt. Then after
you put lots and lots of butter, you can pour some
coconut syrup on it. If you don't got no coconut
syrup, then some Mrs. Butterworth or real maple.
And that's how I roll."
"Grandpa, you're the smartest bookbook in the world."

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