Thursday, December 17, 2009


do things
bother you?"
"What'r you
talking bout?
Have you
been watching
Family Guy
"No, I was
just thinking
how Belle is
able to fall
in love with
this grotesque
Beast guy....
I mean, what
is that mess
all about???
Is that even
Cuz if it's on
Disney, it's got to be for real, right?"
"By the sweat of Whitney! That stuff is just movie crap.
In real life, Belle would have got on her I-phone and
called 911. Then the SWAT team would've taken Beast
down. Garson would be with his mahu boyfriend. Belle's
dad would be playing small roles on B movies, and all of
those talking clocks and teacups would be in Goodwill."
"Yeah, but what about the 'falling in love' with a beast part?
Is that possible? Is it possible to see the inner beauty in
somebody and block out the physical ugliness of that guy?"
"It's one of those 'conundrums'. Everytime I see a pretty
girl with an ugly guy, I think, 'that guy must not be ugly'."

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