"Grandpa, what's better?
The Oakland Raiders now
or the Raiders back in the
"Well, my little Ho-Ho, the
Oakland Raiders in the
70's dominated everybody
but now they just are sad
and pathetic."
"Grandpa, what's better?
The music now or the
music back in the 70s?"
"Well, my little dumpling,
today you got Lady
Gaga, Michael Buble and
the Jonas Sisters but in
the 70's you had EWF,
Kalapana with Mackey,

and Gabby."
"Grandpa, what's better?
TV now or TV in the 70's?"
"Well, my little Twinkie,
today you got Leno,
America's Got Talent and
Wayne Brady. But back in
the 70's had Carson, Gong
Show and the original cast
of SNL. "
"Grandpa, what's better?
Your basketball skills now
or your basketball skills
back in the 70's?"
"Well, my little apple pie,
back in the 70's I could
dribble the ball, now I just
"Grandpa, what's better?
Uncle Damian now or my
Uncle Damian in the 70's?"
"Well my little blueberry
muffin, your Uncle Damian back in the 70's was cute
and always listened to me whatever I said. Now he
looks like Dog and Leland should be hunting him
and then telling him, 'Hey brah, why you went
skip bail and den?'"
"Grandpa, what do you think about this picture
of me and Uncle Damian and this other picture
with Uncle Damian and my mommy in the 70's?"
"Same thing I think when I see you ...'How come
you guys gotta grow up?"